By Nicola Fourie
Christmas comes but once a year and when it comes it brings a whole lot of joy. Children, especially, love to
have games and amusements at this time of the year, so get ready for lots of laughs and enjoy spending time
with your family.
1. Christmas Games For Children - Jolly St. Nicholas
* One child is chosen to represent Jolly St. Nicholas or Santa Claus and stands in the center of the
* The other children stand around in a circle while Santa Claus reads his rules of good behavior to them
which are as follows:--
* "You must speak when you are spoken to. Do you understand?" (The children reply, "Yes, sir.")
* "You must come when you are called. Come here." (The children run toward Santa Claus and stand still
when he raises his hand.)
* "You must keep your place." (The children return to their former places.)
* "You must be asleep by eight o'clock." (Santa Claus counts eight and the children must all close their
eyes by the time he says 'eight.')
* "It is more blessed to give than to receive." The children are supposed to keep their eyes closed and
when Santa Claus gives them something (which will be a little tap on the hand or a light trod on the foot, a
kiss, a hug or gentle pull of the hair or ear or something of that sort,) the recipient must pass it on to
the next who passes it on to the next, and so on.
* If Santa Claus observes anyone disobeying his rules he tags them and they are out of the game. If any
of the children succeed in being perfectly good children they are given a suitable prize by Santa Claus, and
another Santa Claus chosen if it is desired to continue the game.
2. Christmas Games For Children - Christmas Stocking
* Paint or draw on a sheet the picture of a fireplace.
* Tack this to the wall and after providing each child with a small stocking and pin, blindfold them in
turn, telling them to hang up their stocking at the mantel.
* Drop a small toy in the stocking of those who succeed before taking the handkerchief from their eyes.
* Those who fail may have one more turn after all have had a chance.
3. Christmas Games For Children - Christmas Candles
* Place on a low table a small Christmas tree, on which there is arranged lighted candles.
* Blindfold each child in turn, having them stand about one foot away with their back turned toward the
* He is then told to take three steps forward, turn around three times, then walk four steps and blow as
hard as he can.
* A prize is awarded to the one who blows out the most candles.
4. Christmas Games For Children - Holly Wreath or Snowball
* Make several snowballs from crepe paper or white cotton.
* Hang a large holly wreath in the doorway and let each child in turn try to throw his snowball through
the wreath.
* The players who are successful throw three balls through the wreath, and the one who throws them all
through receives a prize.
Sail Away to a Christmas Market
16 years ago